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Install free Let's Encrypt SSL on Ubuntu server 18.04 or shared hosting server
Simply put, those of you who have an eshop or anyway an informational site, you have been asked (especially in the last 2 years) to change your site's access address protocol from σε
The difference between http and https is that the connection between the visitor's computer and the site hosting your site is encrypted.
This means that the visitor/customer feels more secure.
As you now understand, there must be https, because no one wants http and browsers chrome, firefox, etc. they issue a warning that kicks the visitor off your site in record time.
How to install it for free on your Ubuntu Server or shared hosting server
- In the case of a shared hosting server (cpanel, plesk etc) there is probably already free SSL, so all you have to do is visit the site address with https:// in front to try it.
- If not....... then connect your site's domain with the free service and get ssl from there as well as absolute protection against hacking attacks (ddos etc)
Now let's go to the case where you have a virtual private hosting space (virtual private server or otherwise VPS):
First of all, how you can set up your own VPS on Google services, see here:οδηγίες-google-cloud-server-δωρεάν-για-1-χρόνο-ρυθμίσε/
So how do you add SSL for free:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot
(press enter to accept)
sudo apt install python-certbot-apache
systemctl reload apache2
If the command: sudo ufw status is inactive then proceed to the next step, if not then: sudo ufw allow 'Apache Full' and sudo ufw delete allow 'Apache'
sudo certbot --apache -d your_domain -d www.your_domain
(where it says your_domain change it to the site address)
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