Epsilon Net - Epsilon Smart WP Plugin by Nicolas Lagios
- August 9, 2023
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- Plugins Websites & Hosting Wordpress
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- nicolas
The first plugin – bridge for invoicing in Epsilon Smart of Epsilon Net ( Epsilon SingularLogic ) via Woocommerce – WordPress
The plugin is in version 0.8 and has the ability to set basic interface elements.
Before installing the plugin, a prerequisite is the pre-purchase of the additional functionality "Connection with e-Shop" for at least 1000 invoices. You will find the additional functionality by viewing your Epsilon Smart subscription from https://myaccount.epsilonnet.gr and selecting "New Functionality".
Settings such as VAT status, product to which you want the invoice to appear, currency, etc. are currently done by us if you give us access to your epsilon smart account and your eshop.
Download it here: https://github.com/nicolaslagios/epsilon
The plugin in the current version only works for orders with one product in the cart, one stock. That is, if you sell a service as an eshop product and want to invoice for it through Epsilon Smart. You will also need a user key which I will give you after communication. If you would like us to look at it and customize the plugin to your needs, or the current version does for you and you just want a usage key, please contact me at NicolasLagios.com or nick.lagios [-@-] gmail [.com]
Up to version v0.8 can send invoices to Epsilon Smart using a single product in epsilon smart, eg a registered product named "Eshop Product". (This is because epsilon smart does not have a products import method on the fly via api and all products in your eshop should be added manually in the epsilon smart account as well.) So the flow of the process is:
An order is placed in your eshop
The order is sent to epsilon smart automatically and the invoice comes out where it is either automatically sent to mydata, or you send it manually after checking (this is in the settings of epsilon smart)
Whatever products are in the cart will be mapped to a single product identifier in epsilon smart. Eg "eshop product"
The plugin so far does not dynamically put the pieces of a product in an order. It has some pieces as 1.
It also does not support a multi-product cart. That is, you can send an order with a product.
Please contact me, either through the contact form, or at info @ maxservices.gr or at nick.lagios @ gmail.com
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